Blue Collar / White Collar

Blue Collar / White Collar - 01

An art book by Sterling Hundley. 160 pages, hardcover.

Looks good.

You can order at Adhouse

Book description from Adhouse:

Blue Collar/White Collar collects the art of award-winning illustrator and painter Sterling Hundley. This retrospective monograph is embellished with process while showcasing Hundley's commercial work AND fine-art career. Hundley employs materials from traditional (printmaking, oils, acrylics) to digital, in creating his idea-driven solutions. The result? Work that lies between a blue collar ethic and white collar aesthetic.

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A video from reader desertrabbit from the forum:


Wow. I kinda like this. He reminds me of a lot of artists yet still remaining original. There's one plate that looks Mucha-esque. Thanks for reviewing this I enjoyed it. I'm strongly considering buying this when I get enough money. Isn't this the case for all of us on this blog? LOL

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