Upcoming Art Books

The list is not comprehensive but constantly updated.

These books cover mainly animation, concept art, game art, individual artists, sketchbooks and instructional/education.

Help me keep this list updated. Let me know the books I've missed out

Book titles link to reviews. Other links are to Amazon.

Sep 2024

Aug 2024

Apr 2024

Upcoming Asian & Japanese Art Books

It's not a comprehensive list, but it's constantly updated.

These art books covers mainly animation, concept art, game art, individual artists, sketchbooks and instructional/education.

If you know of any upcoming books I've missed out, let me know

Book title links are to reviews. Other links are to

  • Amazon Japan (JP)
  • Amazon China (CN)
  • CDjapan.co.jp (CDJ)
  • Play-Asia.com (PA)
  • Yes-Asia.com (YA)