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First, The Art of Rise of the

First, The Art of Rise of the Guardians because it’s filled with wonderful and colorful pictures (little, medium and full pages). The author explains the choices made to shape the characters and the landscapes. There is also an arborescence which shows the links between people for the creation of a critical sequence in the movie, that’s really interesting.

My second choice is The Art of Paranorman. Every chapter covers a department. The author is I literally guiding us through the place. And he describes the work of everyone of them by interviewing the head of the department. That’s amazing to discover that the cape of a ghost needed armatures (like the skeleton of the puppet) in order to give it a natural movement. We learn a crazy amount of stuff and there are great photos of workshop and tools that’s exactly what I wanted to see.

My third choice is The Art and Making of the Dark Knight Trilogy. I’m a fan of the trilogy and I was frustrated by the bonus in the DVD…And this artbook comply with my expectancies! We learn a lot about the shooting and preparation (material for the costume, building of the sets, etc..)
For example, in Batman Begins the scene on a frozen lake when Bruce Wayne and Heni Ducard are training was shot in one day even though the ice wasn’t really thick because they knew that the ice might not be there anymore the next day.