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Okay, I like to remain a

Okay, I like to remain a silent observer, but I'll answer this one. :)

Most. Beautiful. Ever: Uncharted 2. You're right.

Second place: Enslaved. The whole damn game was amazingly beautiful. The game is weak (simple button-mashing), but the story is intriguing... but the art: breath-taking, and often so, not just "in some places".

Third place: Skyrim, duh. :)

Contenders: LIMBO, Uncharted, Uncharted 3, Oblivion: The Shivering Isles, Morrowind (yes, ugly faces, but: PEOPLE LIVE IN GIANT FRIGGIN' MUSHROOMS!), The Force Unleashed (particularly the neon jungle planet), Mass Effect 3 (bad ending notwithstanding), Alone In the Dark (the newest one; gameplay SUCKS, but the opening levels are worth the $5; just quit once you get out of the building and watch the rest on YouTube, trust me), FEAR 2 (also damn scary, but the classic "shooter" sections are annoying)... and a lot of "retro-games," but I'm already rambling.

Surprisingly Good: Crysis 2 ("sheer power" award) and Modern Warfare 2. Yes, they're straight shooters, but... wow. Beautiful! ...I picked them up on a whim, and now I'm going to have to play the rest of all these damn shoot-em-up games (which I normally detest, Half-life excepted for its amazing storyline) just to see the maps. Sigh.

TODO list: Journey (heh), God of War 3 (I began both 1&2 but the PS2 graphics didn't cut it for me and I bailed, but 3 looks like it could be amazing), Ico & Shadow of the Colosus, Castlevania, and... uhh... said shooters.