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I don't suppose anyone has a

I don't suppose anyone has a contact address for Kodansha's publicity and/or legal department? If so, I'd love to have it.

I don't know the laws in the country in which Parka resides, but in the U.S. we have a legal tenet called "fair use", which allows the use of otherwise copyrighted material for educational purposes. What Kodansha has done is tantamount to illegal harassment and Parka could counter-sue for website downtime, "loss of face", etc.

This has also hit some internet celebrities, like That Guy with the Glasses and Confused Matthew, who has been bullied into removing reviews featuring static or moving copyrighted content. The only reason they relented was because of the enormous political and legal power wielded by super-companies, like Disney and Paramount. However, the latter were obviously in the wrong.

This should be fought. There are several legal defense funds set up in the U.S. for exactly this sort of nonsense. Parka deserves redress for this grievance.