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i think i put most of my

i think i put most of my gaming time this year into minecraft.

while there were a lot of highlights (most of which i skipped because my computer is aging, or im not a fan of the direction a franchise is going [street fighter], and im supposed to work on my thesis anyway) this year, like skyrim, portal, rage, deus ex, uncharted... and the usual bestselling lowlights like call of duty, i always felt like rather spending another lazy hour mining blocks, or building something, or just experimenting a bit.

most of the interesting games this year, ill play eventually. but im not in any particular hurry. im more hyped for being able to finally play peace walker than most AAA things, to be honest.

if im allowed a little rant at this point: im all tired of the whining that games suck because the graphics are bad. or consoles holding back video games because the hardware is so old. that it is high time for a new console generation because the current ones dont cut it anymore. thats all utter and braindead bullshit.
right now, we practically dont have games that use up the available technical ressources in a worthwhile manner. the few games that did something worthwhile, visually, like el shaddai, dont seem to be in need for more ressources.
games that are nothing more than the same-old, same-old (or, in the case of modern first person shooters, less than what we once had), and developers that are content to throw AAA projects with 000 brains onto the market just dont have the right to want more ressources just to drag their turd in more shiny.

we need better games, not better tech specs.