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I have to disagree with

I have to disagree with GAD.

Let's face it. Voting is predominantly biased today. The same can be said for many situations. In American Idol, the person who wins may not necessarily be the best. He may have got through rounds with the help of his large circle of friends who have money and religiously vote. Or he may also get through based on his looks.

Even in other voting systems ranging for competitions to politics, people get through with a number of other factors apart from the main voting point. Factors like charisma, looks, dressing, style and fan base (consisting of friends and strangers) all help to push a person into it. To give an example, some people may not have voted for Obama in the last American election race even though they love his policy reforms, but not the colour of his skin.

Do you think product companies win all their customers by their design alone? They design advertisements promising you a lifestyle, a luxury and many other intangible things attached to a product.

The voting system in this blog is such that you have to register before voting. If your friend is willing to go all the way to set up an account to vote for you, why not? And besides, if your friend is smart enough he may enter and decide to vote objectively when he realises he likes the other art better as compared to yours.

The whole voting system is no longer a completely objective process. As admirable as your honesty is, such a value would reflect well on yourself but may be overtaken in the a superficial world.

I do not think anyone who voted for themselves or got their friends to vote are wrong. They want to win this badly, and so they worked for it. They garnered their friends to vote for them, and if you want to win too, then you have to show it and work for it. You can't just sit on your butt and hope that people come to you. You have to go out there and win them over.