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This book comes with one set

This book comes with one set of 2 prints - but there are 2 sets, and you get 1 set randomly - so there are 4 different prints, and you will get 2. These prints, as shown on your blog, are from the "Artist Series" as seen on the BioShock community site, Cult of Rapture. It's a disappointing marketing scheme. Yes, it's a nice extra, but there are lots of BioShock collectors out there who now have to buy the guide twice, in order to try and get both sets of lithographs if they're trying to collect everything. No doubt Brady Games knew this when they thought up this marketing, or should I say money-making, scheme.

For any collectors interested, larger (and nicer) versions of these same images are also available to purchase as prints from the Take 2 Store.

I could not get a "mint" copy of this book. I ordered (and returned) several copies to both and Each time, the pages were slightly warped in curves. Normally, I will never accept this for art books, but ultimately I decided this book is not a collector's item, it is a great reference for the game, so I don't mind as much.

You didn't show a picture on your blog of the embossed hardcover, which is worth noting. The shiny dustjacket and the embossed hardcover underneath are both very nicely done and quite awesome.