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Thanks for your reply! If I

Thanks for your reply! If I don't really care as much about game performance, just drawing, since I only play Genshin and HSR (and can play Genshin on GFN), given the IAF and line variation issues on the Xiaomi you mention in your review, the Samsung Tab S7, S7+ and Lenovo P11 should be better though, since they have better drawing reviews, right? I'm deciding between the three since I just discovered I can find used S7 and S7+ for around 350-400 usd with the pen, while the xiaomi costs the same without the pen (both locally and via your link, it's 380+75 for the pen). And the S7+ should be similar in performance to the Xiaomi at least.

While I can buy the P11 (the 11.5" version Gen 2 you reviewed, not the newer 11.2" version) for half the price, for 200 USD which also seems very nice.