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Thank you for sharing this review, it covers everything I can think of, even two years later.

Would you still recommend the Xiaomi Pad 5 over the 9th gen iPad, if I am almost only interested in using it for drawing?

I am a hobby artist, with a Huion display for my most serious works. I'm considering getting a tablet now to draw on-the-go — I have never wanted a tablet as a "big phone", so the rest of features are just nice extras. I have a second-hand deal for each of these tablets (pen included) for the exact same price. I have a desktop CSP license, but I am not keen on paying a subscription for the Android version, whereas the one-time purchase for Procreate is very attractive, and I only ever hear about how an iPad is worth it just for this app. I am a little reticent to buy an Apple product, though, it makes me question if I'm getting carried away by the fans.

I would really appreciate your expert opinion.