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Thanks Teoh. XP Pen sent me a

Thanks Teoh. XP Pen sent me a new cable, but it still has the issue. The cursor freezes while I'm using it with the cable plugged in. When I have to step away from my computer for a bit my computer goes into sleep mode and when I return and wake it, the cursor is frozen. Although, this doesn't happen when I'm working with it wirelessly. XP Pen support now suspects it might be the usb port on the tablet. I'm encountering other issues as well both when plugged in and wireless, like not being able to resize my windows, they always snap back to the default size, or if I try to move an open folder's window it minimizes it once I release the pen from the tablet (although I'm no where near the minimize button). XP support are going to issue me a replacement. I'll see how it goes.

Love your illustrations btw!