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Hi Teoh Yi Chie,

Hi Teoh Yi Chie,
Thank you for such an informative and detailed article. I was searching for some guides on affiliate marketing and chanced upon here.
I would like to ask you about something relevant to affiliate marketing that you discussed in this article.
Actually, i am a blogger myself and it's been over an year that i got fully engaged with my contents and built nice followings and traffic that helped me a lot earn a little through adsense but the thing is it's not cutting it. It crossed my mind many times about introducing my webs to affiliate marketing but i was waiting for right moment, and now when i have the traffic built up and trusted following, i feel like i should start promoting products related my niches now. But finding the products of different niches in one place/platform or even getting approved in a program that might just refuse the starters is hard. I've been searching on my own and found this revglue program here in UK that is offering those kinda services and stores data with free CMS tools and 100% commission on sales which caught my eye and i feel like i should try joining them but that would be nice to gain some advise from some professionals on this. any suggestions or recommendations are welcomed.