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Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your nice article. I hope I would have read it earlier, but unfortunately I did it only now...
This is my palette at the point I am reading this article.
Please note that the order I write the colors is also the order I have them in my palette (left to right).

Ultramarine Finest (Scmincke Horadam 494)
Permanent Carmine (Schmincke Horadam 353)
Cadmium Yellow light (Schmincke Horadam 224)
*Primary Cyan (Schmincke Akademie 410)
Sepia Brown (Schmincke Horadam 663)
Phthalo Green (Schmincke Horadam 519)

*Titanium white (Schmincke Horadam 102)
*Ivory Black (Schmincke Horadam 787)

*: Gouache

Some info:
Please note I am not an super expert user and my considerations could be wrong from a professional technical side.

About yellows: i have been trying several options. One that seems working for me, is using a single yellow (Cadmium Yellow Light). I can manage warmer/cooler yellow tones mixing it a little respectively with red/rarely with sepia and blue/green.
About primary cyan (Gouache). Well... For some reason I could not find any alternative for this. Soon I will try the Schmincke Horadam 479 Helio Cerulean. It should be similar, but more transparent and I am not sure it will matches my needs/taste, but it should be similar, even if I guess the transparency will be a lot higher.
About green: being one of my primary blues a gouache (with all its specific effects when mixed with watercolors), and using a single yellow, I had to compensate the green range by adding a dedicated color to cover what I miss in shine when using the gouache blue with yellow. The Phthalo Green (Schmincke Horadam 519) is really shiny and transparent. It can be used very well with the only yellow I use and it accepts very easily being mixed with other darker/semi opaque colors.
About black. I don't use it often. I always tend to use Bistro or Sepia Brown based neutral. Somethimes, however, I use black for high contrast illustrations (note it is a gouache black).

What I still have to cover , in my palette, is the choice of an orange and a violet/dark purple (a la synthwave retro style - eg. The one used to do the floor grid in this picture ).

The Orange is the very less urgent but any suggestion for the missing violet from any artistic grade brand it is warmily accepted!

To close, let me excuse for any errors in my text (this is not my native language) and let me greet for this fabulous Blog with very interesting articles!
