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Thank you for the review.

Thank you for the review. Today I bought this set. I chose it over 12 half pan set with 24 places (the bigger box), mainly because of the brush that came with it. And the little box looks nicer too :) Anyway, for people like me who wonder what the brush is, it's Da Vinci 1573 series brush which you had also reviewed. I also bought a Da Vinci kolinsky series 11 no 5 today, and I can say that this pocket brush performs very well, almost as good as the kolinsky. I also had a Van Gogh pocket brush before, which I will never use again. The difference between two pocket brushes is just amazing. I will replace the phthalo green with viridian because I don't like dye colors, and will replace the weird mixture of sepia with Winsor Newton burnt umber. And lastly, as a transparent yellow I will get the winsor yellow.