AsiaLink Sketchwalk Hanoi 2019 (compilation video)

Here's the condensed compilation video for the AsiaLink Sketchwalk Hanoi 2019 for those who don't have the time to watch the daily videos I've posted last week.

You can find more sketches, photos and videos on the AsiaLink Hanoi Facebook group.

Video preview of Hanoi Travelogue e-book

Here's the video preview for the Hanoi Travelogue e-book that will be out next month, May 2015.

To get news of the e-book when it's out, sign up for the newsletter by the right or support me on Patreon (in April to download in May).

For more information, visit

Flip Through of My Hanoi, Vietnam Travelogue Sketchbook

I'm back from Hanoi, Vietnam, after a one week vacation. It was fun and wet. Just like any other holiday, it's always too short.

Here are the sketches I drew during the trip. I'll be publishing them in eBook format in the future with drawing and holiday tips. And in the days to come, I'll also publish the sketches page by page with account of my experience that you can follow at

Video is shot in 4K so you can view it in fullscreen detail.