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1. COLOR & LIGHT by James

1. COLOR & LIGHT by James Gurney
Not since the Andrew Loomis books from over 50 years ago has there been such a thorough and accessible book. Its to-the-point writing, arts & sciences reasoning and lavish illustrations have set the bar very high for books on learning.

2. FRAMED INK by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
A sharp and serious look at a well-tread but undernourished area of art. His straight-forward text is as clear as his art. He knows the job of the storyboard artist better than most and boils it down to it's essential elements.

This impresario was much deserving of a book that covers a 30 year career. The last great artist to touch the dying art of movie posters. That's not something to gloss over either. Unlike the death of typesetting, that nobody felt, hand illustrated posters with texture and paint should be mourned and yet celebrated in Struzan's work.