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He Teoh,

He Teoh,

I am on the fence. Although I would be able to afford the S9+, my main reason in getting a new tablet is for writing purposes when I discovered that S9+ has a latency of 2.4 ms compared to 7 ms on the S7+, which I already own and which is still an extremely capable device in reading PDFs.

I would like to know the latency on the Samsung S9 FE+ versus on the S9+. Is there a noticeable/significant difference? If not, I would go with the FE+ rather than spend twice the amount on S9+ for the same purpose.

But I also would not want to regret buying a less capable device if I knew I could have gotten a more improved experience on the S9+.

I write a lot and I am very sensitive to latency. If there is no noticeable difference between them, I would go with the cheaper one. I will use the tablet for writing 99% of the time.