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Hii Teoh! iam a student and

Hii Teoh! iam a student and iam about to buy a tablet to acompany me for a few years, and i want to use it for almost everything it can offer: notetaking, gaming,old videogames emulation, movies, drawing, reading comics and etc. My budget its about 2800BRL, mi pad 6 (256gb 8gb ram)on amazon is about 2700 here and the pen is about 500(i would have to buy it later), samsung s9 fe is 2600 and the plus version 3150(maybe if iam lucky my mom can help me a little), both samsung ones are the 128gb version. I like to draw on paper casually and i want to experience how to draw on a screen, and at same time i would not aways game on tablet since i have a gaming pc. I would like to know what you would recomend between the two of them searching for the best experience
ps: samsung has better suport here and will come with the buds FE making me save some money later, but exynos sucks at emulation.
s8 are at a much higher price here, almost as expensive as a new s9 so they are not a option