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Hi Teoh, I have two cheap

Hi Teoh, I have two cheap Chinese piston brush pens from Aliexpress. One transparent one (similar to the Lamy-look-alike you did a video review of) with a medium tip (good for filling in larger areas), and one that reminds me of a Kuretake No.13 with a fine tip. Both seem to have natural tips not synthetic, though I have no idea exactly what type of hair. I tried W&N drawing ink in the first one and the tip dried up and went stiff after a few days, but was largely rescued by cleaning through and soaking the tip and feed in warm water. I then used Rotring drawing ink in the No.13-alike one. Performance at first was really good, actually very like the fine lines of a No.13, but with waterproof ink. I then used this ink the other one, too. Unfortunately both pens have now dried up and the tips have gone stiff. I can't use them every day as I haven't time, and even if I did I suspect this would still happen. Can you recommend a water-based ink (I've given up on using waterproof ink with cheap natural hair brush pens) that it is unlikely to clog up the tip/feed of these pens? I have a Kaimei KT-3 natural hair brush pen than doesn't have this problem, but it is of a much higher quality and its ink cartridges are not waterproof.