Modern Watercolor Techniques by Ana Victoria Calderon (online art course)

Ana Victoria Calderon is a watercolour artist, teacher and author from Mexico City, Mexico. She has published several books, has art courses on Skillshare and Domestika.

Modern Watercolor Techniques is a beginner's course on learning watercolour and creativity. The language is in Spanish but there's English voiceover option, thankfully.

The course starts with Ana talking about her inspiration and the tools you'll need. All you need is a set of watercolour, brushes and a cup of water to follow along.

The first few tutorials are on colour mixing and creating values (from light to dark).

This is an exercise on using values and learning brush control to create a stylised illustration with just a single colour.

The highlight of this course is actually the creative use of watercolour techniques to create art. That's also where the course gets its title from.

This exercise is on creating your own colourful planets by letting the colours blend.

This exercise is on drawing jellyfish.

This two exercises are about drawing galaxy, milky way, stars.

The drawing exercises are incredibly fun and easy to follow along with the step by step instructions. In addition to teaching the techniques, there are also several longer videos showing you more of the technique if you want to watch more of the action.

This is a fantastic, fun and engaging course for watercolour beginners. Highly recommended.

5 out of 5 stars.

Check out the course and the 7700+ reviews she has on Domestika.

Price of this course is usually around US $19, but the price will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was provided free to me for this review. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you


The new voiceovers are actual translations, while the old subtitles were machine generated and missed a lot of details.

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