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Motoring Heritage Day 2013 at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station

Urban Sketchers Singapore has been invited, again, to a NHB event, this time the Motoring Heritage Day 2013 at Tanjong Pagar Railway Station.

In Singapore, you can hardly see any old vintage car running around on the streets. People here like their cars new and shiny, changing them every 5 to 10 years.

So it's quite fun to check out the many old cars from Singapore's past. Many of the collectors have kept their old cars in great running conditions. Some of them do look dated, especially the Ferraris. But those that were old to start with, well, they just look timeless.

It has been a while since we came back to Tanjong Pagar Railway Station. The railway tracks have been removed except for those that still remain at the station. I had expected the station to be renovated but it doesn't seem so. Since it was closed only recently, the premise is still holding up quite well, except for the broken pipes that were leaking rainwater on the platform. All the stalls and offices are vacant. Some of the old seats are still around.

Here's the video I made of the day.
