Kim Jung-Gi 2011 Sketch Collection

Update April 2012: Review for Kim Jung-Gi 2007 & 2011 Collection

Update 28 Feb 2012: Looks like the book is only going to be sold through the author/publisher's website only.

Kim Jung-Gi 2011 Sketch Collection

Here's the 2011 sketchbook of Korean artist Kim Jung-Gi. It's a 686-page hardcover with two different covers you can choose from. There's also a limited edition.

The book contains lots of detail sketches and the art is fantastic!

Preview pages are on the Taobao (Chinese eBay equivalent): Cover A | Cover B.

You can either purchase the book on Taobao, or email his writer assistant

The book is listed at USD$60 equivalent but I'm not sure if it includes shipping. Shipping looks likely to be quite expensive because the book's thick and heavy (3.3kg). You can purchase with PayPal.

Anyway, just email David if you have questions.

Update 13 Nov 2011: Found out from DrBlack (another art book blogger) that there are pirated copies of the book floating around. So don't buy from mysterious sources. There are tips on how you can spot the original editions from the links above.

2011的画册在中国大陆有一些盗版的书, 请别买错。

Here's Kim Jung-Gi sketching:



This book look amazing,

This book look amazing, actualy ı want one , but how can ı buy this book from Turkey. I 'm buying amazon and diamond comic in turkey, but this book not avelable in this sellers. is there any different bookshop that wordwide sell? for this book. (my english so bad:S sorry :)

I'm so happy :) it arrived

I'm so happy :) it arrived today, and it is an amazing book full of sketches (the format reminded me of Katsuya Terada's Rakuga King). A lot of amazing drawings there.
The only thing I'm not happy about is that I paid a looooot more than 60 USD for it.

Parka, I assume you have this

Parka, I assume you have this book, correct? What is the majority of what the book displays? Sketches, or comics, etc if you catch my drift? Is it worth a book to look through like Rebus by James Jean? Thanks a lot in advance!

Same here. $135 for book and

Same here. $135 for book and shipping. I live in the US. $68 for the book and $67 for the shipping by EMS. There is cheaper shipping available (around $53), but it takes 3 times as long to receive it. All of this is through

But I am actually going to order the book soon, I see too much personal value in it for myself. Will have to forget about buying other artbooks for a while, though)

Does anybody know where his previous 2007 Sketch Collection can be bought at? This guy is a genius.

PS: if anybody knows a less expensive way to buy the book, please drop a comment. This is by far the most expensive shipping fee I've come across, but I have a friend from Korea and he confirms that shipping really is that expensive.

Got my copy of the book

Got my copy of the book today, I first contacted David last week and it's been a really fast and easy transaction. Shipping to Australia cost me about usd53. Worth every penny, I love this book to pieces! Very inspirational, I'm going to have to get his reprinted 2007 collection as well when it comes out. Thanks so much for this article, if it weren't for this blog I would have never heard of him!

I got my book from David! He

I got my book from David! He takes paypal which offers a level of reassurance (vs. paying by wire transfer or western union for example). I am also waiting on the reprinted 2007 collection. Kim Jung Gi is amazing - I love sketchbooks so this was a great treasure to find.

I received my copy of the

I received my copy of the 2011 sketchbook today. It's even more massive than I expected! There's a lot of white space in the book, but I don't see that as a negative. The sketches range from very loose, almost ghosted images, to full watercolor renders. Content ranges from nudes / anatomy / sexuality to military / day-in-the-life / comical. The artist has a great style and quality of line, and he plays with proportions very well. His work is simply amazing; I think it will be studying his style for a long time to come.

I highly recommend this book, but probably won't let my son thumb through it any time soon. This is a shining star in my art book collection. I'll be looking into purchasing his 2007 Sketchbook once it's available.

Just ordered from David, I

Just ordered from David, I paid US$60 for EMS shipping to Australia.

Question for those who've ordered books from Basheer before.
When ordering internationally from Basheer, do you order through their facebook by simply messaging them stuff like: Name, Item, Phone Number, email, and Address.
And then they email you an invoice??

Hi guys, posted in this

Hi guys, posted in this thread previously as one of the anonymous... Got my book today, got here (I'm in US) in 5 days, and man oh man... I just can't even think of where to start. Worth every single penny I paid for it... What really surprises me is not so much his fantasy, but his sincerity and skills, skills and skills.

I'm an art director, been collecting artbooks as a hobby for many years now. Have well over a hundred. This one is in the top three, no kidding. His only peer would probably be Katsuya Terada, albeit with a darker and more Moebius-esque fantasy. My only complaint with the book is that it's too heavy)

PS: special thanks to Parka and this blog for helping me discover this guy!

PPS: no doubt I'll be getting the 2007 sketch collection the moment it comes out)

Just to share the information

Just to share the information I got from David :
The 2007 sketch collection
Size: 15cm X 21cm X4.3cm
Page : 1000P
Weight: 1.5KG
Price : 35USD
EMS : 43USD (to France)

For comparison, the 2011 sketchbook was $68 + $60 shipping (totally worth it).

Thanks Parka !

The Author/Publisher of this

The Author/Publisher of this book has decided to make this book available only through their website and hence will not be available in any Book stores until the Author/Publisher decides otherwise.

The 2007 Kim Jung Gi book will be available at Basheer, however, the date cannot be confirmed since the delivery is long due. We will update on facebook when we receive stock. We can door deliver the book in a week once the payment is done. You can pay by either credit card or PayPal. Shipping charges will be additional.

No, I believe there isn't any

No, I believe there isn't any under drawings. This guy is insane! If you look at the way he draws, he just does everything on the spot, due to hours and years of practice he developed something like a photographic memory.

hey man i want to buy the

hey man i want to buy the book but my question is will they be able to understand english when i send a email to them that i want to buy the books
another question is their a limited amount or he can make as many copies as he wants?


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