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By the way...

The Art and Flair of Mary Blair

I've recently introduced a "By the way..." section on the sidebar. It's an on-and-off section where I'll alert you of any bargains on art books that I've come across. This mostly refers to discounted art books on Amazon as well as rare art books that suddenly come back with stocks.

Few days ago, I posted the availability of Fables Covers: The Art of James Jean Vol. 1 on and it's now out of stock again. Gosh, you guys are quick! I actually wanted to get a copy of the book myself since the review copy belongs to my friend.

Anyway, Amazon is currently selling The Art and Flair of Mary Blair at 67% off as a "Bargain Book". You can check out some preview pages at

So keep an eye for the "By the way..." section!

By the way, if you follow me on Twitter, you'll be alerted to these deals too.
