Book Review: Tekkon Kinkreet Art Book: Background Paintings

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鉄コン筋クリート ART BOOK シロside 建築現場編 (Tekkon Kinkreet Art Book: Background Paintings)

There are two art books for Tekkon Kinkreet, the anime movie. This is one with the white cover, Tekkon Kinkreet Art Book: Background Paintings, or in Japanese 鉄コン筋クリート ART BOOK シロside 建築現場編. The black cover edition is Tekkon Kinkreet Art Book: Background Sketches.

The illustrations in the book are grouped into the different areas where the stories take place. There's a map on the contents page highlighting the areas. Straightaway, I'm having that feeling on being a tourist in Japan, that heightened level of awareness all tourists have. Next page, I am floating in the air: it's a two page spread of the cityscape. And that's where the fun begins.

The book is filled will illustrations, painstakingly detailed background paintings, from start to end, 255 pages of them out of 260. Sometimes the images are enlarged so you can see the stains and cracks on the bathroom floor, sometimes multiple angles are included to look behind corners of the walls. The number of paintings collected in this book is unbelievable. There's just so much to see, so much to take in.

This is a spellbinding book.

It's highly recommended to get this together with the other one on background sketches, Tekkon Kinkreet Art Book: Background Sketches.

Here are direct links to the book: | | Amazon Japan | YesAsia US

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Here are direct links to the book: | | Amazon Japan | YesAsia US

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These two Tekkon Kinkreet

These two Tekkon Kinkreet books are amazing. How much are they in US dollars? I only see the Japanese currency and I don't want to jump in and buy them if they are expensive. Thanks much respect for these reviews!

Hi, Your blogg is Amazing and


Your blogg is Amazing and very very Helpful. I have some of the books you have reviewed. I am also an Illustrator too. I have been after these Books for a very long time, i didn't even know they existed till i went onto you website. I am so greatful, keep up the work!

Peace and Love

Jatinder Singh

Parka, you should seriously

Parka, you should seriously get a tumblr. I would follow you there :) In the meantime thanks for putting up the Tekkon Kinkreet books. I was curious of the difference between the black and white versions. You fixed that ^^

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