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Hmmm... I think that this box

Hmmm... I think that this box could have been a liiiiitle bit larger in order to hold 8 half pans instead of 6.
Six colours are enough for a split primary palette but the problem with this colour selection is that you have to mix... for the rest of your days or add Phthalo Blue and Green that are staining, difficult to control and add a certain kind of hue on all other colours.
Going though from six to eight colours allows you to add a darkener and a neutralizer and then you can have a very powerful colour selection.
A cool and a warm yellow ( I would choose a lemon yellow along with a transparent Yellow Ochre)
A cool and a warm red ( a Magenta with a Pyrrole Red)
A cool and a warm blue ( Cobalt Blue with Prussian to cover all possible mixes of green and grays)
A sepia or indigo (for a darkener) and a neutralizer ( B. Sienna or Light R. Umber) depending on how cool or warm you want your mixes to be.
I hope that you like my colour selection for either six or eight colour setup.