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It has been a great year in

It has been a great year in book release, there have been so many good ones and sometimes it was hard to decide which one to get ( Especially when money is tight) and before I list my three favorite books of 2014, let me wish you all a very happy Christmas and a Happy New Year ^___^

1. The Hobbit: The Battle of the five armies chronicles: Art & Design

Being an artist I love this book, its just wonderful and very inspirational to me. It is full of amazing concept art, beautiful pencil sketches by John Howe and Alan Lee who are masters at what they do. It has all in it from locations and sets, and development art from other artists of characters, creatures, costumes, weapons, armor, environments, props to miscellaneous art like scenes and effects. It shows you all of the hard and exceptional work that made this movie something you will remember forever. This book has a special place on my shelf.

2. The Art of the Boxtrolls:

Stop motion is fascinating to me, and the process of these movies take such a long time and much hard work goes into it. The book is interesting to see what makes this movie and the thought process behind it. The art is beautiful and vibrant, my favorite part are the costumes of the characters and how each character get build. Its very different from the others things that are out there and that's also why I liked it so much.

3. The Art of Film Magic: 20 years of Weta:

I know this book isn't that much about art (illustrations) but it is very interesting to see what goes on behind the scene and the vigorous process of film magic. The books present the world of weta beautifully to us. Reading it makes you understand how hard the work is but as an artist it made me more jealous because I see also all the fun and greatness this process includes and I wished I would be part of this.