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I borrowed my friend's copy

I borrowed my friend's copy of Jan Odmahl's book: this author made a mistake in relation to A-ha's Brazilian Tour: in 1989, Morten did not use ciclist shorts (this one was worn by this singer in 1991, when this band came to this country 2nd time, in Rock In Rio Festival).
The first Brazil Tour, Morten Harket wore in Apoteose (Rio de Janeiro) a blued handkerchief with black points around his brow; also, an white and ripped t-shirt (on arms), whose phrase was "Traps", with a ripped blue jeans on the knees parts and runner tennis (maybe it is a pair of Nike tennis).
In São Paulo, Estágio do Parque Antártica , Morten was more "elegant" : he worn a white shirt covered with a blued-transparent shirt; and, a blue jeans; and, a runner tennis, as his look complements. At least, he was better in São Paulo....