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Hi Teoh,

Hi Teoh,

Thanks for the review! Your website is so helpful.

I have a question, is the improved drawing experience the main draw of the artist 16 pro over the innovator 16? My local XP pen Ebay store has a secondhand innovator 16 for about $240 USD, and I'm considering getting that mostly for the excellent price. But am also curious about the new pen technology for the artist 16 pro, and am wondering if you think there's a big difference in drawing experience? Are there any other things that the artist 16 does better and is it a big improvement?

I'm upgrading from a very old Wacom bamboo tablet (with about 2000 levels of sensitivity) so either would be an upgrade already.

Really keen on hearing your thoughts!

Thanks for maintaining such a helpful blog with great reviews. Its truly an awesome resource for artists.

Much appreciated,