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Hello Teoh, since you have

Hello Teoh, since you have experienced both XP pen 24 pro and Huion kamvas pro 24 , what do you recommend in the drawing experience section of the two. the only thing making me choose is the etched glass of huion that doesnt need to be replaced like a screen protector but i dont mind the matte screen protector of xp pen as well, even though the huion is laminated based on your review they are still neck in neck in the almost no parallax part.
also there is a sale for xp pen which is 710$ vs the 899$ of huion so should i just go for the sale of xp pen or the 899 huion for just the etched glass? or any advantage huion for its price.. Thank you for your thoughts about this since i already have enough money to buy the tablet and want to be 100% sure of my purchase.