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Hi Teoh, I really enjoy your

Hi Teoh, I really enjoy your stationary and tech reviews, I feel like you're definitely among the more down to earth and honest reviewers out there. I need a display tablet for using desktop software, was wondering if you could help me decide. I can just about afford the Cintiq 22 (non Pro), would you say this is worth it over the Huion Kamvas 20 Pro? So far I've done most of my work on an iPad Pro but now need the extra screen + desktop apps. In my country there is a HUGE price difference between the Huion Pro 20 and the Cintiq 22; almost double. But I really need this device to be reliable and at least as good as the older Cintiq 13HD for work- sketching, drawing, painting. Would be great if you could give your 2 cents! Thanks :-)