Huion Inspiroy KeyDial K200 tablet GIVEAWAY CONTEST

Contest has closed


1. You must have commented on one of my Youtube videos in the past

2. Let me know how you will use the Huion Inspiroy KeyDial K200
Answer in the comments section below, and leave your Youtube name.

3. Follow Huion Tablet on Youtube

4. Contest is open to all except those from India
Huion can't ship to India.

Good luck!

Note: Your comments may not appear instantly due to moderation/spam checks.

If your comment does not appear after a day, you can still join the contest by using this contact form with email header "Huion KD200 Giveaway", your answer and Youtube name



Hi, Teoh!

Hi, Teoh!

What a cool giveaway!
I'd like to use it for editing and working on digitalized watercolors, something I've been considering for a while but, with mouse only and being tendinitis cursed, It's hardly motivating. It's certainly a great and versatile tool for many artistic purposes. Fingers crossed!

My profile on Youtube is Lindsay Korth, and it features a sleeping dog picture as avatar.

Kind regards,

I would use it for my digital

I would use it for my digital art. I bought a Samsung tablet last month from watching your review in the tabA. I dont draw as well as I do with the huion and photoshop so I think I will dedicate loyalty to huion since I bought the 50usd huion pad and still have no issues with it. Huion all the way

I hope there is drawing

I hope there is drawing tablet that can be used for 3D modeling (CAD/CAM), cause using mouse and keyboard make my hand fatigue.
Usually people that work here using trackball or space mouse. But I think it would be better if we using drawing tablet too cause it feel more natural and comfort.

I use XP Pen Deco Pro for now, but the problem is 3D manipulating view that can be done using this tablet flawlessly, I must use combination shortcut, pen button, and pen move to rotate/pan, and also the zoom scroll wheel is not smooth enough.


My youtube name is Aditya Pratama

I really like this form

I really like this form factor from an ergonomic and efficiency standpoint, I really value immediacy when I'm working and having everything close to hand is important for that. I would use this for visual work in Blender and other visual programs, and it would be great for comfortable audio editing in Reaper.


Youtube name: GurtTarctor
