Urban Sketching: Express Your World in a New Perspective by Lapin (online course review)

Lapin is an illustrator and urban sketcher based in Barcelona, Spain. He's extremely productive and has filled more than a hundred sketchbooks with sketches. He's definitely one to learn from if you're into urban sketching.

Urban Sketching: Express Your World in a New Perspective in a course on Domestika by Lapin. This is a 2h 36m in-depth course on urban sketching. I bought this course just to get into Lapin's mind to see how he thinks, that and I like his style of art.

In this course, Lapin talks about his inspiration, the tools and materials, concepts of urban sketching, storytelling and shows you how he goes about sketching and colouring his detailed sketches.

Lapin really goes into detail on his thought process. And it's really insightful to be able to watch him draw "from behind his shoulder".

The first drawing exercise involves finding something in your home to draw. This is easy and is meant as a warm up sketch.

Second exercise is on drawing a portrait.

The last exercise is where he goes outdoors can be a bit challenging to follow. There's no reference photo provided for download so you have to screenshot the photo when it appears in the video. And when he's drawing, there's no reference photo placed beside so there's no way for you to compare what he's drawing to what he saw. It would be more helpful to students to be able to see what he's drawing, and how he's interpreting the scene. That's the only issue I have with this course.

But you do get to see his sketch though, but it's not a high res file.

Technical issues

This is related to Domestika and not the course. When I played the video on iPad, the video had some rough cuts and random blackouts. When I played the video on the computer and phone, the same video played fine with beautiful B-rolls of Lapin's sketches.


Despite not having reference photos provided, this is still an extremely insightful course on urban sketching. Beginners will definitely learn a lot. This is a course I can recommend easily.

4.5 out of 5 stars

Oh, check out my own urban sketching courses too!

Check out the course and the reviews (2300+ students) on Domestika.

Price of the course will vary depending on whether there are any promotion.

Disclosure: This course was bought with my own money. When you buy any course through the Domestika affiliate links, I earn some commission at not extra cost to you


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