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Hi Parka, Here's my list for

Hi Parka,
Here's my list for the contest. Thanks for having it. A truly a generous move by you.

1. Totoro Forest Project
I’ve heard so much about this book. The creative efforts of many artists saving a Japanese forest are great. Forests are my favorite environments. They’re such special, mysterious places inspiring some of my own work. The anticipation is killing me.

2. Exodyssey: Visual Development of an Epic Adventure
Seeing concept to full story realization by established artists really intrigued me. It is one of the best, detailed works also serving as a learning guide for someone wanting to learn the process of realizing his or her own stories and design.

3. Massive Black: Volume 1
Massive Black is one of the most profound concept art companies out there. To see a variety of their best work in a high quality book format was irresistible.

For the prize: The Amazon gift certificate. It would definitely help out with an upcoming photo equipment purchase.