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Hey Parka! Thanks for

Hey Parka!
Thanks for featuring this contest! It's nice to know I have a chance here, especially considering the odds are a little better in this one than in's sweepstakes.
Favorite art books of 2009....hmmm...tough choice, but I'd have to say:

1) The Art of UP - loved the movie and the overall design of the film; would've liked to have seen a little more character development within the book, but I did love seeing the aging of Carl inside the front and back covers.

2) Drawn to Life - A wonderful resource for artists and animators which I haven't bought yet but happen to flip through every time I'm in a bookstore.

3) The Art of the Princess and the Frog - Love love love that Disney is returning to traditional 2D animation and while the character designs were nothing radical, the settings within the film were beautiful. It's lovely to see the design process within the book.

I would love the Amazon gift card - it would be a wonderful holiday present. Thank you :)