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I agree that it is better to

I agree that it is better to keep two backups and on different drives or devices. A good way to keep copies is to have two discs in RAID mode.

The spinning hard drives especially those that can be re writable multiple times ( f.e those that are for surveillance cameras) are the most reliable particularly if you put them in cases as external drives.
The SD cards are those whose performance deteriorates over time. The SATA discs can last literally forever if you don't use them constantly. You've just have to put them into a case or even better in a desktop pc that you will use just for backups. I mean connect whatever drive you have in there and keep it aside, into a plastic bag or under a plastic cover or a cabinet to protect it from dust, disconnected from the internet and power unless you use it, for updating your backups and whenever you need to get something from there. It is not that expensive to make a basic desktop pc full of drives for backup purposes. If you set it up with a linux OS you can mount and unmount the discs only whenever you need them. I mean boot from the main disc that can be a SD one and then mount the others.

Data centers are prone to cyber attacks and hacking. The most controversial document leaks came from hacked data centers and servers and not from people who kept their backup locally.

The only chance to lose your backups from your house is in case of a fire or a natural disaster. But in this case the last thing you are going to care about is the backup....!