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Yes, You can customise

Yes, You can customise provided you use desktop version of one note ( one note or one note 2013 or one note 2016). However, the buttons wont work if you use one note online ( one note windows 10 or one note 365).

Here is how i am using. I have both one note 2016 on my desktop. I customized my Huion Dial buttons to it. My note books, I saved it to one drive instead of saving them to computer. I log into one note 365 as well, to sync my one note 2016 on my desktop with the one note 365 app.

This gives me benifit of both words. 1) Ability to customize and use the huion pen on one note desktop. 2) Make my one notes avaiable on cloud via 365 as my note books are saved and getting synced with one ntoe 365.

Hope this help. Check for videos for both above two points on you tube. All the best!