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in no particular order

in no particular order

- The Art of Dragon Age Inquisition
love the game and the game studio and I was so incredibly happy that they finally made a proper artbook for a Dragon Age game.

- The Art of BlueSky Studio
mostly because it finally has more concept art for Ice Age and to my knowledge there are no books focusing on Ice Age by itself. But the concept art for all the BlueSky Studio movies is beautiful and the book does a good job at showing those drawings.

- The Art of How To Train Your Dragon 2
again a good book to go with an animated movie :)
still waiting for "The concept art of Nico Marlet" *swoon*

honourable mention:
- The Art of Big Hero 6
I only took a quick look at what's in there because the movie isn't released until January here, but what I saw is right up my alley :)