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1) Process Recess 3 - James

1) Process Recess 3 - James Jean
Looking through the pages you see one man trying to fill every inch of the page and yet even though most of the lines seem almost contour in nature, you fill as if you can learn from them. I still open it up for inspiration when I'm feeling down with my sketches and it always lifts me back up. Definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to see a different type of sketchbook. Something candid.

2) Structura: Art of Sparth
The man makes environments look so easy and there's nothing more impressive then seeing the chunks of paint used to form a world that's eerie but familiarly human. Each piece is breath-taking and challenging in its own right. Very very informative to study from.

3) Art of Toy Story 3
Like most people it's great to see things that remind us of our childhood, but more important to me is the simple nature of their artwork. It expresses so much in such an easy manner and doesn't overpower you so that when you see the movie art, you can see all of the ideas from the original art but at the same time, you can marvel at how it evolved. Just love the Pixar books.