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I haven't been really keeping

I haven't been really keeping up to date with the art books--expensive things they are--so I'm rather dreadfully uninformed about what's new, but here's what I like from what I've seen:

1. Color and Light
Gurney was probably one of the most influential artists in my childhood, along with Bill Watterson and Chuck Jones, on account of his Dinotopia series. This amazing book has reignited my youthful fascination that has since been lost to years of bad art schools.

2. The Art of Resident Evil 5
The game wasn't good. Maybe some people liked it, but as far as I was concerned it was just another lousy big-studio blockbuster just making a quick million off an old franchise. But the rejected artwork tells a different story, at least going back to production. The concepts are brilliant and terrifying, full of character and life (or death, as it may be). It's a wonderful glimpse at what could have been a great game.

3. Composing Pictures
Technically this is just a reprint of a book from the 30s, but it's worth a mention. It's a good specific guide to a specific topic.