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I am just getting into

I am just getting into watercolors from a previously preferred practice in drawing and sketching. I am moving on to color now. I am starting with the Cotman variety of Winsor Newton palettes but when I move up to artist-grade pigments I have been considering Mission Gold as the way to go. Daniel Smith or Winsor Newton are secondary possibilities.

If I go with the Mission Gold, it seems that I would need to add not only French Ultramarine but also a better Burnt Sienna, as you did not seem to like these offerings in the set you reviewed. Maybe I should think about adding the Winsor Newton offerings for these two pigments to my palette?

Also, there are a variety of sets offered under the Mission Gold label. I have heard a recommendation of sticking with their "pure" pigments as the others contain dyes that may inhibit their lightfastness property. Not sure, though.

I am becoming a faithful fan of your videos. They have been very informative to me. Cheers!