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Sleeping cutie

I drew a few sketches of Tiffany with another sketchbook which wasn't good at handling watercolour so I've switched to using the Stillman & Birn Beta series sketchbook. While it does not use 100% cotton paper, it can handle water quite well. And it's very thick so it doesn't buckle much even with heavy washes. I was using pen and ink initially but decided to switch to using pencils because it's softer. The look and feel seem more suitable for drawing a baby.

Today's the second day that Tiffany is out. Newborns love to sleep and if you do anything that affects their sleep, they cry.

Shown above is Tiffany being swaddled in blanket. She likes being swaddle. When you take the blanket away, she cries. I've been reading up on swadding and was quite surprised to find that there were mixed opinions on the effects. The act of swaddling serves two purposes. One's to keep the baby warm, just like how the womb of the mother keeps the baby warm. And the other is to provide a sense of security or familiarity because the baby has just left the womb.

Here's my wife Judy trying to breastfeed Tiffany who was really hungry when she first came out. Tiffany's first poo was black and subsequently the others were greenish.

Just like my friend Drewscape, I think I'm going to document Tiffany's growth with sketches. It will be fun to look back at these sketches many years from now.
