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My Top Three Artbooks of 2017

My Top Three Artbooks of 2017 are: The Art of Persona 5, MOMENTARY: The Art of Ilya Kuvshinov and Bloodborne Offical Artworks.

Persona 5's art style was bold, distinct, unique and gave a sense of rebelliousness (which was perfect for the story it told). Persona 5's art was able to capture the series subtly eerie roots while finally embracing it's shift into bombastic.The character designs were done by Shigenori Soejima which has been doing illustrations for the series since P3 and he continues to knock it out of the park with Persona 5. Also the game was really good.

Ilya Kuvshinov's art has always fascinated me, they are able to create paintings that feel alive without painting photo realistically. I've been a huge fan of their work for awhile and to be finally able to hold a physical collection of their pieces feel extremely satisfying.(That and I just like supporting Indie artists)

I always loved things with gothic vibes and bloodborne's themes and style resonated with me perfectly. The trick weapons had creative and interesting designs (especially when compared to the multitude of similar looking swords in the Souls series) Outfits were gorgeous and held a sense of regality contrasted by the horrifying and dreadful designs of the mobs. The concept art of the areas in the game also exemplifies the amount of work put in to create the beautiful atmosphere present in the game.

I also really liked NieR Automata's artbook which unfortunately was only released bundled with it's Black Box Edition.So I can't gush about that here :C