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The Pelikan fount india is

The Pelikan fount india is definitely safe to use in a fountain pen with the strict proviso that you DON'T leave it sitting unused for more than a day or two because it does have (non-nano but still very fine) carbon particles in it. It has been used for decades now by myself & many other artists who want a permanent sketch & to take a wash from the line using water. It is very good for this purpose & is still the only safe(ish) permanent ink that can do this to my knowledge.
While Higgins "Eternal black" is very good at this technique too & the manufacturer even claims it is safe in fountain pens. BUT BEWARE ! if you leave the Higgins in an extra-fine pen overnight & it's already starting to cough & splutter - the flow is fast getting clogged !
I enjoy your extensive pen coverage over the net Teoh , you do a great job promoting the joys of pen & ink drawing .Keep up the good work ! Mike