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There is a new design for the

There is a new design for the Daler Rowney basic 12 travel set coming out with a better thought out plastic palette box. This is done to match the new Winsor Newton Cotman Brush Pen set I assume. I wonder if you can do a review on those 2 side by side.

I was able to find the Daler Rowney for $10 USD on two UK sites, as well as the new Cotman Brush pen set for under $13 USD through the big box stores with coupon. (I know you did a Cotman Brush Pen set review already, but can you compare that to the original Cotman Sketcher's box?)

I have a feeling between the Cotman Sketcher's box, Cotman Brush Pen set, Daler Rowney (original) plastic 12 half pan set, new Daler Rowney plastic 12 pan set, and Daler Rowney metal tin sets -- the 2 newer sets from the companies will win in design of the plastic boxes, but still, what's the verdict on the Cotman vs Aquafina student line watercolor half plan qualities?

And a side note, a disappointment that Daniel Smith dry half pan travel boxes didn't put nearly as much thought into the design of their first plastic travel box. :(