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1. Art of Valerian: Of the

1. Art of Valerian: Of the three big-budget space adventures this year (the others being GotG 2 and Star Wars) this had the most original and imaginative production design.

2. Art of AC: Origins: Another big beautiful art book that covers Ancient Egypt, Rome & Greece (three civs for the price of one!). This gets bonus points because they include the academic, realistic renderings of ancient cities next to the exaggerated, theatricized renderings typical of games and movies.

3. Art of Star Wars: Last Jedi: The new Star Wars art books reflect the creative power and funding behind the world's greatest entertainment franchise. Rogue One is my favorite among the new movies and art books, but Last Jedi's book still deserves a place in the top 3.

Honorable mention: 2017 was a big year for Sci-Fi adventure art books! I'm getting a little burned out and hoping for some less saturated genres in 2018 (i.e. Art Red Dead Redemption 2), but "Project 77" by the great Martin Deschambault deserves mention... it is too thin for its price tag, but the artwork is original and gorgeous.