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Pros and Cons of Thick Sketchbooks

I don't like thick sketchbooks. They always look so intimidating and almost impossible to fill.

These are the thickest sketchbooks I have. On the left are sketchbooks sent to me from GatzBcn and the big blue sketchbook on the right is one that I bought at a local store in 2015 called NOTE ON A BOOK.

These sketchbooks have been with me for a long time and I've yet to fill them up. Each time I look at them, I just wonder when I would fill them up. I procrastinate and don't use them as often.

Thinner sketchbooks by comparison, such as those A5 watercolour sketchbooks, are easier to fill there aren't many pages to start with. Sketchbooks with watercolour paper usually has less pages because watercolour paper is thicker and more challenging to bind, and are more expensive when you use more paper.

When you fill up a sketchbook, there's this sense of satisfaction you can't get from painting on a single sheet. It's also a wonderful and convenient way to look back at all your sketches. This would motivate and inspire you to sketch more.

With a thick sketchbook, it can be a bit daunting and demoralising just by looking it. Using thick sketchbook is not just about practising, but also a test of your character, determination and discipline. If you want to find out who you are, or whether you're really into art, get a thick sketchbook.

You can still get lots of practice with smaller sketchbook. You can still sketch, for example, 600 pages, but it's more manageable when you split them into smaller portions. This is a better way to keep yourself motivated.

Let me know in the comments sections whether you like thick or thin sketchbooks. Do you have problems filling up your sketchbooks? And do you buy too many sketchbooks that you haven't filled yet?
