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My first favorite art book is

My first favorite art book is The Silver Way by Stephen Silver.
Why?It taught me much more than my college lecturer who always just opens YouTube tutorials in class as his teaching method. Though there are many drawing techniques out there, this book provided me many simple and approachable methods which I can remember after many months of reading the book.

My second favorite art book is The Art of Coco by John Lasseter.
Why?One word, BEAUTIFUL.I believe anyone who comes across this art book could not resist to sacrifice their lunch money to put this art book at their book shelves.

My third favorite art book is The Art of The Boss Baby by Zahed Ramin.
Why?The design of the characters is clean and nice, especially the cute Triplets. Also, the light and mood of color scripts in the art book served as a guideline in our final year short film project because of the simplicity and storytelling. Overall, the arts in this art book are clean and simple but memorable.

Here are my three Favorite Art Books in 2017 . Thank you and keep producing these book reviews which serve as my reference before buying a book.